Heist Fan Club NFT Collection

Professor Creator
3 min readApr 24, 2022

Heist Fan Club is Best PFP #NFT Collectibles of 2022, It’s Created by Fan for the Money Heist Fans.

Remember, It’s not just another NFT Collection.

Tokyo NFT Sample

Professor, the creator has imagined it and crafted it for web 3.0, it’s not just an NFT collection but 10,000 masterpiece, something like 21st century Picasso’s painting, an art marvel that can’t be recreated. Idea came into realisation when Professor, the creator was looking for an nft of his favourite stars and got lost in Opensea only to get disappointed. He could not find anything promising and then felt the pain of millions of fans across globe, who loved their favourite characters deeply and somewhere had desire to possess them forever in some form or other. he had sleepless days and nights, one day Tokyo came to Professor’s dream and inspired him to create something which could live forever, something has provenance, something immutable resides on blockchain. this was the day when project heist fan club was born. Professor being the biggest fan of money heist didn’t turn selfish, instead he thought about every single fan and wanted to reveal this project to the world.

Professor NFT Sample

“I do not want to ignore this, this desire that I feel alive because I’ve never had so much.” -Professor

Helsinki NFT Sample

Who knew that Money Heist is going to be larger than life thing of modern era, who knew that it’s not gonna limit to just spain. who knew that real world thing gonna get transported into metaverse. in the drama we heard alot of prominent world city names, but never got to see one outside spain. professor, the creator gave wings to the idea of the gang being present at every important global spots you could ever think them to be. he imagined Sergio holding an M16 rifle at great wall of china, tokyo with a rocket launcher at wall street and so on…

RIO NFT Sample

This imaginary nft collection is not just restricted to artwork but promises to go beyond that and It’s certainly the best PFP collection you could ever think of. This meticulous art piece is something everyone would like to hold forever.

10,000 Hand Drawn NFT marvel Created by Heist Fans for the Fans, with 300+ traits, Highly detailed 2000 X 2000 PX Artwork, combination of Exotic Background, Guns and Gadgets lead by Professor.

Heist Fan Club NFT Collection Highlights

“The most important moments are the ones that make you realize there’s no turning back. You’ve crossed a line, and you’re stuck on the other side now.” — Tokyo

Heist Fan Club NFTs can be Minting Directly At: https://www.heistfan.club/

Open Sea Collection Link: https://opensea.io/collection/heistfanclub

Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/heistfanclub

Contract :https://etherscan.io/address/0x06b243a0feccb680abbd2032ce32640fe8f02832

